Hej ljudii, ovo je moj outfit od pre nekoliko dana i moram priznati jedan od drazih! Osecala sam se fenomenalno, obozavam ovu majcicu animal printa koja je preudobna i kupila sam je dan pe nego sto sam je slikala u Tally-ju. A sto se tice ostalih komada, manje vise ih znate, samo moram da napomenem da ja obozavam da nosim uggsice leti, i inace letnje stvari zimi, a zimske leti, da me neko ne razume pogresno, ne u potpunosti, ali neki detalj da. Sigurno me necete videti u kupacem u januaru, ali ja generalno ne volim leto, tako da me morate razumeti! Ostavite komentare i pitanja, ljubim!
Hey guys, this is my outfit from a few days ago and I must admit one of her favorite ones! I felt awesome, I love this shirt animal print that is comfortable and I got it the day pe than I painted the Tally Weijl. As for the other pieces, more or less know them, I just have to mention that I love to wear UGG flying, and otherwise summer stuff in winter, winter and summer, that someone does not understand wrong, not completely, but a detail that. Surely you will not see me in a bathing in January, but I generally do not like summer, so you have to understand! Leave comments and questions, I love!
Jacket H&M
Boots UGG
Sunglasses H&M
Bracelets H&M,GUESS
Tape SIX
Mask for phone H&M