Stigla je jesen. Pozurila sam da sto pre stavim sal i kapicu. Obozavam ovo doba. Izvinjavam se na manjku postova. Ali, jedino sto radim u poslednje vreme je spavanje. Nikako da se naspavam, a kad ustanem nisam ni za sta i vec je pao mrak tako da tesko nesto mogu da islikam sto je bio slucaj i sa ovim slikama, ali snasla sam se :D Htela bih da se zahvalim svima koji su me slikali do sad, a najvise mojoj Milici i Vanji. I naravno Milosu bezz kog ne bi bilo mog bloga. Hvala ljudi! Uzivajte u ostatku dana :)
Autumn is here.That's why I put the scarf and beanie. I love this time. I apologize for the lack of posts. But the only thing I'm doing lately is sleeping. Can not seem to get enough sleep, and when I did not get up for anything and it was dark so you could hardly something to video communication which is the case with these images, but befell myself: D I'd like to thank everyone who took pictures of me to now, while most of my Milica and Vanja. And of course, Milos without which would not be my blog. Thank you guys! Enjoy the rest of your day :)
Trousers BERSHKA
Sweatshirt H&M
Boots UGG
Scarf C&A