петак, 26. септембар 2014.


Stigla je jesen. Pozurila sam da sto pre stavim sal i kapicu. Obozavam ovo doba. Izvinjavam se na manjku postova. Ali, jedino sto radim u poslednje vreme je spavanje. Nikako da se naspavam, a kad ustanem nisam ni za sta i vec je pao mrak tako da tesko nesto mogu da islikam sto je bio slucaj i sa ovim slikama, ali snasla sam se :D  Htela bih da se zahvalim svima koji su me slikali do sad, a najvise mojoj Milici i Vanji. I naravno Milosu bezz kog ne bi bilo mog bloga. Hvala ljudi! Uzivajte u ostatku dana :)
Autumn is here.That's why I put the scarf and beanie. I love this time. I apologize for the lack of posts. But the only thing I'm doing lately is sleeping. Can not seem to get enough sleep, and when I did not get up for anything and it was dark so you could hardly something to video communication which is the case with these images, but befell myself: D I'd like to thank everyone who took pictures of me to now, while most of my Milica and Vanja. And of course, Milos without which would not be my blog. Thank you guys! Enjoy the rest of your day :) 

Trousers BERSHKA
Sweatshirt H&M
Boots UGG
Scarf C&A

петак, 19. септембар 2014.

Like a boy

Cao ljudi, kako ste? Ja sam, mogu vam reci u haosu, nikako ne mogu da se pomirim s tim da imam jos 10 dana raspusta i da krece fax. Prebrzo je proslo! Za vas danas imam jednu decacku kombinaciju boyfriend farmerki i dzempera koji je mozda i pretopao za ovo doba godine, ali lepo se uklobio u outfit. Nadam se da vam se svidja, ostavite komentare. Ljubim vas!

Hey, guys, how are you? I can tell you in a mess, I can never make peace with those that I have 10 more days of rest and to begin college. It went too fast! For those of you still have a boyish combination of boyfriend jeans and sweaters, which is perhaps too warm for this time of year, but it is a nice fit in the outfit. I hope you like it, please leave comments. I love you!

sneakers CONVERSE
bag ZARA
bracelets H&M

среда, 17. септембар 2014.

Niksis on instagram

Cao ljudi, kako ste? Jedino sto imam za vas danas su instagram slicice. Vreme je uzasno i nikako da islikam neki outfit.Nadam se da mi ne zamerate, uzivajte! Ljubim vas :)

Hey, guys, how are you? The only thing I have for you today are instagram photos. Weather was terrible and I not to make some photos . I hope you don't mind, enjoy! I love you :)

Andjela <3

Snimanje za ''Wannabe magazin''

 Kiksi :)

 My girls, party <3

 Wannabe blogger?

 Vlada :)
 Follow me: http://instagram.com/niksis4 <3

четвртак, 11. септембар 2014.

Olive green

Juce je bio prelep dan. Bila sam srecna i slike su lepo ispale. Sto se outfita tice odlucila sam se za maslinasto zelenu u kombinaciji sa belom i crnom. Ova boja, maslinasto zelena je prelepa, jako mi se svidja i lako se kombinuje. Ostavite komentare i uzivajte u ostatku dana! Ljubim vas!

Yesterday was a beautiful day. I was happy and the pictures are nice turn out. As far as outfits, I decided to olive green in combination with white and black. This color, olive green is beautiful, so I like it and it is easy to combines. Leave comments and enjoy the rest of your day! I love you! 

Leggings ZARA