четвртак, 25. децембар 2014.

Hej everyone!

I konacno, posle male pauze evo novog posta. Kako ste mi? 
Ovo je jedna od mojih omiljenih kombinacija i ono u cemu se ja osecam najbolje. Juce je dan bio prelep, s obzirom da je decembar i da ima preko 15 stepeni ovo je fantasticno. Fotke smo islikali u blizini mog fakulteta na 25. Maju. Jel vam se svidja? Ostavite komentare. Ljubim vas :)

And finally,  after a little break,  here it is the new post.
How are you?
This is one of mine favourite combination in which  I feel the best.  Yesterday was really beautiful day, considering that it's December and that the temperature  is  over 15 degrees, this is fantastic. We made photos nearby my college (e sad ako se ulica zove 25 maj onda napisi at 25. May street,  ako to nije ulica nemoj nista ni da pises - zbunjujuce je xD ili mozda at 25. May area, mada ne znam xD).
Do you like it? 
Leave the comments.  Kiss you guys 

jacket BERSHKA
denim jacket TALLY WEIJL
leggings ZARA
boots H&M
bag H&M
sunglasses H&M

петак, 19. децембар 2014.

Cool short haircut

Kada je naša draga Lenka ušla u restoran hotela “88 Rooms” i rekla nam da ćemo kao prvi zadatak imati makeover, sve smo bile uzbuđene ali u isto vreme i zabrinute. Šta će nam sada raditi? Koju od nas će ošišati? I slično. Ja sam imala nadogradnju koju sam kupila kada sam završavala srednju školu, povodom mature. Kasnije je nisam toliko nosila jer sam drastično skratila kosu, ali sam je nedavno ponovo stavila. I nekako sam odmah znala da će mi je tamo skinuti.
Tog dana moja kosa i nije bila baš u najboljem redu. Dan pre toga sam se pakovala i nisam imala mnogo vremena za sređivanje, tako da sam ujutru samo nakačila klipse i stavila kapu kako bih prekrila neurednost. Ni to nije pomoglo! Bojan Repaja, direktor Instituta lepote Diktat mi ih je skinuo. Tj, ja sam ih skinula ali po njegovom naređenju!
Kada mi je rekao da će me skroz ošišati uplašila sam se i totalno šokirala! S jedne strane sam bila za to, a s druge strane sam želela da pobegnem glavom bez obzira, što od njega što od rijalitija. Međutim, kada je rekao da će mi samo korigovati frizuru, osetila sam olakšanje. Onda sam počela da ga volim. Svidela mi se frizura i možda mi stvarno talasasta kosa bolje stoji, ali ja se ipak opredeljujem za ravnu.
Bilo je zanimljivo i zabavno, ali definitivno ne bih volela da opet osetim taj momenat ”Ošišaćemo je skroz kratko, to će biti jedna kul frizura”. Ne!

When our dear Lenka came to 88 Rooms hotel restaurant and said that we will have makeover like our first task, all of us were so excited but also worried. What they are going to do to us? Which one of us will have to cut her hair? And stuff like that. I had hair extensions which I bought when I was finishing the high school, for prom night. Later I haven't been using it for a while cause I cut my hair drastically,  but I started to use it again recently.  And somehow I knew it for the first time that they will take it off. 

That day my hair wasn't so cooperate and the day before I had to pack and I didn't have time for grooming,  so in the morning I just put my extensions I cap to cover untidiness.  But even that didn't help. Bojan Repaja, director of the beauty institution took it off. Actually I did that according to his order!

When he told me that they will cut allmost all of my hair I was shocked. Part of me wanted that but on the other side, part of me wanted to run away from him and from reality.  But, when he told me that they will just correct it, I felt pure relief. 

 Then I started to love him. I liked the hairstyle and maybe curly hair is really looking better, but I prefer when it's straight.  It was fun and interesting but I definitely wouldn't like to feel like agen 'we will cut all of it and it will be one really cool hairstyle' moment. No!

субота, 6. децембар 2014.

Wannabe blogger second post

 Stigle smo u hotel “88 Rooms”, smestile se u svoje sobe i popile čašu penušavog vina. Usledilo je slikanje, upoznavanje i… Kamere? Kako se sad navići na kameru koja te može snimati 24 h? Definitivno velika stvar! Kamere su svuda, priča se o prvim utiscima, hotelu, feng shui-u ipredavanjima Istoka Pavlovića i naše uspešne dizajnerke Ane Vasiljević, koja je između ostalog moja profesorka i mentor na fakultetu Univerziteta Metropolitan.
Na dan kada smo imali predavanja sam bila preumorna, tako da se nadam da ćete moje dremanje na času zanemariti i da mi nećete zameriti. Studirati modni dizajn je velika stvar. Mnogi ljudi misle da je to gubljenje vremena i da od toga nema ničeg u Srbiji, ali ja se ne slažem sa tim. Smatram da ako nešto voliš treba da se boriš za to i da stremiš ka svom cilju. Modni dizajn oduzima mnogo vremena i potrebno je dosta odricanja, ali ja uživam u tome.
Predavanje koje nam je Istok održao bilo je korisno i značajno, ali možda malo predugo, dok je Anino predavanje bilo sažetije. Kako god, predavanja o internetu, internet marketingu, promociji i istoriji mode bila su nam i više nego potrebna.
Zanimljiva stvar o hotelu “88 Rooms” je ta da je ceo hotel urađen po feng shui filozofiji, kao i da je to jedini hotel koji je na Balkanu napravljen kao takav. Videćemo kako će čudesan feng shui i njegova energija uticati na mene.
Ako već niste, obaavezno pogledajte drugu epizodu Wannabe Blogger Show-a.
Pišem vam ponovo uskoro.

We arrived and accomodate in the "88 Rooms" hotel and after that each of us drank one glass of sparkling wine. After that we started taking photos and introducing ourselves to each others we talked... and there were cameras? How to get used to camers which will recording us all the time, like 24/7?!
It's really something! Speaking of cameras, they are everywhere. We talk about everything - about first impressions, hotel, feng shui and about Istok Pavlović's classes and classes our succsessfull designer Ana Vasiljević which is actually my proffesor and mentor at the Metropolitan University. 

When we had our first classes I was exhausted so I hope that you won't mind my catnap at the class and that you could neglect that. Studying about fashion design is really big thing. A lot of people have opinion like that is just wasting of time and everything but not promising here in Serbia, but I just can't agree with that! I think that if you really love something you should fight for it and go for what you want. Even if fashion design is taking a lot of time and it demands a lot of renunciation and satisfaction I love it and enjoy in every second. 

Things which we were told at Istok's classes was so usefull and important, but his lecture was maybe a little bit too long, while Ana's lecture was more comprehensive. Anyway, classes about internet, internet marketing, promotion and history of fashion were more than we needed.

The interesting fact about the "88 Rooms" hotel is that the whole building is built according to feng shui philosophy, and it's the only hotel like that on the whole Balkan. We will see what kind of impact it will have on me. 
If you didn't already watch the second "Wanna be Blogger Show" episode, you definitely should! 

See you soon, guys.

четвртак, 4. децембар 2014.

Wannabe blogger show

I da, počelo je. Nas deset je dobilo novu kuću za naredne dve nedelje, a to je hotel “88 rooms”.
Prvo što sam primetila je to da je više od polovine devojaka imalo košulju oko struka. To mi se nikako nije dopalo, jer sam i ja bila jedna od tih devojaka. Da, nažalost, i ja. Meni je to totalno kul i šik, ali me ne izdvaja u masi devojaka i to je bila prva stvar koju sam ovde naučila – moraš imati nešto što će te izdvajati iz mase i kraj! A to definitivno nije košulja! Za mene eto, neka to budu kape, obožavam ih!
Do sledećeg posta, dragi moji, ljubim vas!
And yes, it's started. Ten of us was given a new home for the next two weeks, and that he wanted to "88 rooms".
The first thing I noticed is that more than half of the girls had a shirt around his waist. I do not not like it, because I was one of those girls. Yes, unfortunately, I do. The menu is totally cool and chic, but do not stand out in a crowd of girls and it was the first thing I learned here - you have to have something that will stand out from the crowd and out! And it's definitely not the shirt! For me, well, let it be a cap, I love them!
Until the next post, my dear, I love you!
P.S. Odlucila sam da sve postove sa Wannabe-a prebacim na moj blog, kako ne pih zabusavala sa outfitima. Mada verovatno ce ici i jos po koji outfit sa strane, ali otop potom, uzivajte u ovom i poglrdajte 1. epizodu ovde- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDbiE2eAhaE

 BERSHKA jacket
C&A T-Shirt
C&A trousers
ZARA shirt
H&M boots
H&M beanie
C&A scarf