уторак, 20. јануар 2015.


Zdravo dragi moji, ovo je jedan od mojih omiljenih outfita u poslednjih par dana. Obozavam ovu crvenu kosulju i taj karo dezen. Bajkerske cizme i jakna uz omiljenu sivu boju jednako savrsena kombinacija za zauzet dan. Uzivajte. :)

Hello guys, this is one of my favorite outfits in the last few days. I love this red shirt. Biker boots and a jacket with my favorite gray are perfect combination for a busy day. Enjoy. :)

TERRANOVA tartan shirt
H&M T-shirt
BERSHKA jacket
H&M bag
H&M boots
H&M beanie
H&M sunglasses

недеља, 18. јануар 2015.

Gray is my favourite color

Jedan od mojih uobicajenih outfita. Veliki dzemper, omiljene pantalone, uggsice i siva torba. Iako je danas nedelja, ja imam previse obaveza, a vi uzivajte u jos jednoom postu ovog vikenda. Ljubim vas!

One of my usual outfit. Big sweater, favorite pants, uggs boots and gray bag. Although today is Sunday, this is a busy day for my, but  you enjoy in one more post this weekend. Kisses

Sweater SHANA
Trousers PIECES
Bag H&M
Boots UGG
Sunglasses H&M

Thanks my sis for photos!

субота, 17. јануар 2015.

Pink and red

Jedan brzinski post danas. Nisam zadovoljna slikama, ali outfit, jedan od omiljenih. Obozavam ovaj colorblocking. Sta vi mislite?

One quikly post today. I'm not satisfied with the pictures, but outfit, one of my favorites. I love this colorblocking. What do you think?

Bag H&M
Boots H&M
Sunglasses H&M
Bracelets GUESS,H&M

среда, 14. јануар 2015.

Glam rock

Hej ljudi, kako ste mi? Ja sam u totalnoj frci oko faksa, krece ispitni rok i mora puno da se radi. Naravno, uvek nadjem malo vremena da isfotkam neki kul outfit za vas. Kako vam se svidja ovaj rock glam? Kombinacija roze i crne odvuvek mi je bila jedna od omiljenih. Jedva sam cekala da vam pokazem moje nove pantalone iz BERSHKE koje su preudobne i prelepe. Kako se vama cini?

Hey guys, how are you?  I'm in absolute chaos 'cause of my college, it's the beginning of the examination period so it demands a really hard work. Of course I always can find some free time for taking the photos of some cool outfit, for you. How do you like this rock glam?  Black and pink combination always was one of my favourites.  And I couldn't wait to show you my new BERSHKA pants, which are so comfortable and gorgeous.  What do you think?

Trousers BERSHKA
Boots H&M
Bag H&M
Sunglasses H&M
Bracelets GUESS