Cao dragi moji. Danas sam vam spremila nesto drugacije. Kao sto vidite, mene nema na slikama i ovo je jedan outfit za decake. Ja sam uradila ceo stajling a David je bio model. Malo menajmo uloge, nije u uredu da stalno on bude iza kamere,hehe. Ceo outfit je iz Bershka-e i ovo je jedan on predloga kako bih ja obukla svog decka. Nadam se da vam se svijda! Ostavite komentare!
Hello guys! Today I'm prepared something different. As u can see, I'm not on the photos and this is on outfit for the boys. I styled the entire outfit,and David was the model. Little changing roles, is not fair that he be constantly behind the camera.hehe. All outfit is BERSHKA and this is one suggestion for boys. I hope u like it! Leave a comments!
All outfit from BERSHKA.