Evo i nekoliko reci o mojih 5 top proizvoda ikada. Tu su moj omiljeni puder,maskara i parfem, kao i 2 stvari za usta, baby lips i Essence olovka :)
Here are a few words about my top 5 products ever. Here are my favorite powder, mascara and perfume, as well as two things for the mouth. :)
Here are a few words about my top 5 products ever. Here are my favorite powder, mascara and perfume, as well as two things for the mouth. :)
Ovo je najbolji puder koji sam probala do sad i zao mi je sto ga nema u Liliju ili u DM-u, vec samo u nekim obicnim parfimerijama. Moj je u boji, natural.
This is the best foundation that I've tried so far and I'm sorry it is not in Lily or DM, but only in some oordinary perfumeries. Mine is in the color natural.

Milsim da o ovoj maskari ne treba puno da se kaze,Maybeline zuta i zavrsili smo sa pricom, bolje nema.
I think it about this mascara does not need much to be said, Maybeline yellow and we're done with the story, no better.
Parfem koji je po mom mislenju najlepsi na svetu, moj omiljeni kog nazalost nema kod nas. Bilo ga je ranije u Jasmin parfimerijama, ali vise ne. Britney Spears ''Midnight fantasy''
The perfume is in my opinion the most beautiful in the world, my favorite which unfortunately does to us. It had earlier Jasmin perfumeries, but not anymore. Britney Spears ''Midnight Fantasy''
Essence olovka za usta koja je predobra, a takodje nije skupa, ja trenutno imam u broju 11, a isto tako sam probala i crvenu i roze koje su fantasticne.
Essence Lip mouth that was too good and not too expensive, I currently have the number 11, and so I tried the red and pink, which are fantastic.
I naravno kako bez Baby lipsa? Stvar koja je skoro dosla kod nas i koja je fenomenalna. Verujem da svi imate bar po jedan :)
And of course that without Baby lips? One thing that's almost come to us and that's awesome. I believe you all have at least one :)
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