понедељак, 8. јун 2015.

First Tattoo

Oduvek sam zelela da imam tetovazu, znala sam da ce prva koju cu uraditi biti posvecena mom ocu. Odlucila sam da istetoviram ''sila, snaga moc'' jer me je on tako nazivao kada sam bila mala, dok je jos bio sa nama. Meni ova tetovaza mnogo znaci i srecna sam sto sam je uradila bas na dana kada bi on napunio 50 godina.
Nemojte slusati price da je sam proces tetoviranja bolan, istina je da je neprijatan, ali u odnosu na zubara- mala beba! Ja imam u planu jos 2 tetovaze koje takodje imaju veliko znacenje za mene, ali otom potom. Zelim da uzivam u prvoj. Sta vi mislite o njima?

I've always wanted to have a tattoo, I knew that the first one I'll do will be dedicated to my dad. I decided to tattoo 'strenght, force power' 'because I was on so called when I was little, when he was still with us. I got this tattoo means a lot and I'm very happy I did the bass on the days when he was 50 years old.
Do not listen to the stories that the process of tattooing painful truth is unpleasant, but in relation to the dental plan too- little baby! I have planned 2 more tattoos that they also have a lot of meaning for me, but when the time comes. I want to enjoy the first. What do you think about them?

Ovo je Nikola, decko koji mi je uradio tetovazu! Mozete ga naci na facebook-u pod imenom ''Ciz sto tetovira''. :)

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