петак, 19. децембар 2014.

Cool short haircut

Kada je naša draga Lenka ušla u restoran hotela “88 Rooms” i rekla nam da ćemo kao prvi zadatak imati makeover, sve smo bile uzbuđene ali u isto vreme i zabrinute. Šta će nam sada raditi? Koju od nas će ošišati? I slično. Ja sam imala nadogradnju koju sam kupila kada sam završavala srednju školu, povodom mature. Kasnije je nisam toliko nosila jer sam drastično skratila kosu, ali sam je nedavno ponovo stavila. I nekako sam odmah znala da će mi je tamo skinuti.
Tog dana moja kosa i nije bila baš u najboljem redu. Dan pre toga sam se pakovala i nisam imala mnogo vremena za sređivanje, tako da sam ujutru samo nakačila klipse i stavila kapu kako bih prekrila neurednost. Ni to nije pomoglo! Bojan Repaja, direktor Instituta lepote Diktat mi ih je skinuo. Tj, ja sam ih skinula ali po njegovom naređenju!
Kada mi je rekao da će me skroz ošišati uplašila sam se i totalno šokirala! S jedne strane sam bila za to, a s druge strane sam želela da pobegnem glavom bez obzira, što od njega što od rijalitija. Međutim, kada je rekao da će mi samo korigovati frizuru, osetila sam olakšanje. Onda sam počela da ga volim. Svidela mi se frizura i možda mi stvarno talasasta kosa bolje stoji, ali ja se ipak opredeljujem za ravnu.
Bilo je zanimljivo i zabavno, ali definitivno ne bih volela da opet osetim taj momenat ”Ošišaćemo je skroz kratko, to će biti jedna kul frizura”. Ne!

When our dear Lenka came to 88 Rooms hotel restaurant and said that we will have makeover like our first task, all of us were so excited but also worried. What they are going to do to us? Which one of us will have to cut her hair? And stuff like that. I had hair extensions which I bought when I was finishing the high school, for prom night. Later I haven't been using it for a while cause I cut my hair drastically,  but I started to use it again recently.  And somehow I knew it for the first time that they will take it off. 

That day my hair wasn't so cooperate and the day before I had to pack and I didn't have time for grooming,  so in the morning I just put my extensions I cap to cover untidiness.  But even that didn't help. Bojan Repaja, director of the beauty institution took it off. Actually I did that according to his order!

When he told me that they will cut allmost all of my hair I was shocked. Part of me wanted that but on the other side, part of me wanted to run away from him and from reality.  But, when he told me that they will just correct it, I felt pure relief. 

 Then I started to love him. I liked the hairstyle and maybe curly hair is really looking better, but I prefer when it's straight.  It was fun and interesting but I definitely wouldn't like to feel like agen 'we will cut all of it and it will be one really cool hairstyle' moment. No!

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