среда, 26. новембар 2014.

Instagram 1

Dragi moji, sve sto imam za vas danas je instagram post. Uzivajte!

Lovelies, everything I have today for u it's insta post. Enjoy :*

четвртак, 13. новембар 2014.

A perfect gray

Kada sam bila mala omiljena boja bila mi je roze. U jednom trenutku ta boja mi se smucila, jer sam preterala i moj ceo orman je bio pink. Kasnije, kada sam malo porasla, pocela sam roze da kombinujem uz ostale boje i tako je na red dosla plava, kao omiljena. Onda sam kao tinejdzerka volela crnu i belu, a zatim sam shvatila da je siva ta boja koja ide uz sve i koju ustvari najvise volim.
Ja sam blizanac u horoskopu i veoma sam neodlucna osoba, tako da je to opravdanje za menjanje omiljene boje iz trenutka u trenutak. 
Nego, da se mi vratimo na outfit. Cela ova kratka prica oko boja je ustvari zbog ove torbe koju sam toliko zelela i iskreno da vam kazem ne znam zasto je nisam kupila cim sam je ugledala pre par meseci u H&M-u. Kako god, sada je kod mene, doduse u malo tamnijoj boji nego sto sam htela no dobro, bitno da je konacno moja. Odlucila sam se za kombinaciju sive i crne jer sam se tako nekako osecala, naravno sa sitnim zlatnim detaljima. Nadam se da vam se svidja. Ljubim vas!

When I was little my favourite color was pink. At one point, i didn't like it anymore because I overdid it and my entire wardrobe was pink. Later, when I grew a little, I began to combine pink with other colors and so blue became my favorite. Then as a teenager i loved the black and white combo, but then I realized that grey was actually the one I like best because it just goes with everything. I'm a twin in the horoscope and I am very undecided person, so this is a justification for altering my favorite color from moment to moment.
 But let us go back to the outfit. This whole short story is actually about this bag, that i wanted so much and I really don't know why I didn't buy it the first time I laid my eyes on it a few months ago in H&M. Anyway, now it's mine, but it's in a slightly darker color than I wanted to be but well, the important thing is that it's finally mine. I decided to wear it with grey and black because i just felt that way and of course with golden details. I hope you like it. Kissies!

I wear: BERSHKA jacket
        H&M sweater
    H&M jeans
    H&M boots
      H&M beanie
 H&M bag
  C&A scarf

субота, 8. новембар 2014.

Mom's cardigan

I, da. Napokon da iskljocam ovaj savrsen mamin kardigan. Njega sam prvo zapazila kada je dosla s mora, tako da je morao da se nadje na mom blogu :) Udoban je, sirok i topao. Juce je bio bas vruc i suncan dan z a ovo doba godine, a  ja sam se mozda i ''preobuklaa'',  ali mi se svidela kombinacija. A vama?

And, yes. Finally I photographed this perfect mom's cardigan. I first noticed him when she came from the sea, so he had to find on my blog :) It's comfortable, wide and warm. Yesterday was really hot and sunny day for this time of year, and I may have had too many clothes on me, but I liked the combination. And you?

On me:
ZARA cardigan
UGG boots